“Simplify your life” could be the mantra for the winners of the Open Start Up competition of UDD Ventures. More than 200 projects applied, and in the end an evaluation committee chose four winners from the last 9 pre-selected teams.
Analyzing the winning companies, you clearly see the trends of today’s Startup scene: Simplify processes within the companies and improve communication and transparency. Social networks and mobile apps can be found in all kinds of areas, some of them more, some of them less useful (but we won’t mention any names ;-))
And the winner is…
Autofact, Gap Jumpers, Connectae and Admetricks will be the companies that benefit with an amount of up to 60 million CLP (about to $120,000 USD) to move forward with their projects. The mentioned amount comes from the financing project SSAF (Flexible-Use Seed Fund) – from the Chilean Economic Development Agency Corfo – that runs the incubator UDD Ventures, which aims to support innovative projects and high-impact technologies.
The selection criteria included, among others, the level of innovation, competition advantages, prospects, market size and expertise of the management team. The committee that selected the winners was formed by Yair Ventura, Manager of Chile Global Angels; Ariel Gringaus, co-founder and General Manager of Colegium.com; Rodrigo Castro, Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business of UDD; Daniel Contesse, Vice director of Innovation of UDD and Patricio Millas, entrepreneur of Mini Clinic.

The winning teams
Autofact, a platform for used vehicles that allows the people to look up any patent. This is possible thanks to the connections that have been built with importers of vehicles, institutions, among others. The person inserts the patent, waits 40 seconds while Autofact collects the precedents and gets access to the information about the vehicle. The manager is Cristóbal de Solminihac.
Gap Jumpers, a multinational company with an Indian, a Dutch and a Chilean partner that aims to increase efficiency in the process of employing personnel of companies. It is a software tool that allows the directors of different areas in a company to test the technical skills of applicants before being invited to an interview. This way, the companies save time and money through a better pre-selection of the candidates that have already shown their technical skills and their commitment towards working in the company. The manager is Petar Vujosevic.
Connectae, is a mobile app for postgraduate students, faculties and universities that allows the exchange of documents, agenda, centralization of information and contact with fellow students, thanks to its optimization for mobile devices any place any time. The Manager is Ricardo González.
And, last but not least, Admetricks, allows you to get to know all the advertisement campaigns in the internet. It’s a completely chilean technology that searches and saves the advertisements of the most-visited websites and categorizes them for the advertisers depending on their industry through competitive intelligence. They developed a system that enables you to measure and visualize the online advertisement of different actors. Its manager is Patricio del Sol.
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