In our efforts to develop a unified entrepreneur & startup ecosystem in Chile and ultimately LatAm, Carlos (AndesBeat co-founder) and I realize that collective intelligence and access to networks especially across borders are essential, and hence AndesMade was born.
Unfortunately, the reality is ‘traditional networks’ and ‘mentors’ are often poorly leveraged, on many levels, ranging from at what time in the process they need to be connected with the mentee(s) to how they use their time.
Naturally between Mr. Research Boy and Ms. Disruptive Girl as cultural game-changers, we began to dig deeper into the issue, deconstruct some things (on both the inside and the outside) and start a dialogue around this among our networks and our infamous Quora Community. In our outreach, we found that people in general are really naïve to what is taking place in Latin America (in the startup, entrepreneurship and developers sectors) and don’t know the best way to ‘connect with the space’ (locals and foreigners alike).
So we used this opportunity and our need to internationalize the perspective of our startup founders to build a hybrid mentoring network and advisory board, so that the most important information travels both ways.
Sharing the AndesBeat Love
As Carlos and I get our thrills from going deep into the abyss and exploring where no weones have gone before to support many first generation startup founders and developers, over recent months, we have been been hand building and ‘curating’ an international network. This group synergizes industry thought leaders with activism to build relevant and impactful crowd sourced solutions for our startups most complex social, economic and technological challenges.
Through our personal and professional networks, Carlos and I have managed to recruit folks from 6 continents including Silicon Valley peeps, top research universities, top developers from multi-national companies, grassroots activists, old school, new school, in between school and researchers/PhD’s among others.
AndesMade… Designed and Built for Impact
This group of people will be working with our startup founders in our AndesMade program – which merges collective intelligence + real time rapid prototyping to create the ultimate geek social experience. They bring specialized expertise, diverse networks across industries and the globe, yet at the same time they will let Chile be Chile and support us in providing a more immersed and real life (and real time) experience for our startup founders.
Please look for our announcement(s) over the upcoming days and weeks.
Featured image credits: goldberg