Now that the clock has struck midnight in Santiago, Chile, it’s officially 11 April 2012…meaning that things are about to get a little crazy up in here because it’s time for Geek Fantasy Camp II!
A mashup of both seasoned and newbie entrepreneurs, lawyers, designers, pixelators, codeslingers, bootstrappers, dreamers and hackers will come together to Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (San Joaquin Campus) to get their Startup Mode On!
The goal – over the course of the next 5 days (and 2 overnights), this initially ‘random’ group of geeks will have to assemble themselves into teams and prototype a Silicon Valley ready startup to pitch to a panel of international investors, by the end of the competition!
Conceptualized by Marcelo Diaz Bowen and his team at IncubaUC (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and the cats from 3 Day Startup (in Austin, TX), the first Geek Fantasy Camp was a smashing success in its inaugural launch in Santiago, Chile (October 2011).

The winning teams, which ranged from a portal that organizes hackathons to a mobile app that allows users to neutralize their carbon footprint, won a trip to Silicon Valley. There they had the opportunity to stay there for a month, while they networked, socialized and more importantly received real time feedback and support from some of the greatest minds in the Valley while they worked hands on developing their business.
So what’s in store for the next 5 days????
As to be expected, Co-Founder Boy and I will be on the ground connecting with the community and following all the action real-time. We will be sure to keep you posted!
AndesBeat wishes the best of luck and much success to all the Geeks!